As you are aware all six (6) buildings on our school compound suffered major damage as a result of the hurricane.
Classes had to be immediately suspended to facilitate the removal of the massive amount of debris to assess the damage and to commence the cleaning of the plant, while at the same time trying to salvage from the ruins what was retrievable as well as identifying a location within the compound to relocate the senior students who are soon to write exams.
With the use of tents and tarpaulins supplied by UNICEF & USAID through the Ministry of Education and the yeoman service rendered by the Venezuelan Government working alongside administrative, teaching and ancillary staff and a representative group of parents we have been able to organize full day classes for our senior students, while our juniors and middle classes are on a three (3) and four (4) day rotation schedule.
Even so, in order to facilitate that process, we have so far spent well over 40,000.00 E.C. dollars. which we have not included in the damage assessment report. It is estimated that the damage assessment on building contents, plumbing, electrical and security systems will also be in excess of $1 million E.C.dollars.
In short. the total estimate to be spent on rebuilding, repair and refurbishment is in the region of 2.5 million E.C. dollars.